Gadget's GO Coaster
Specific Type: Junior Coaster
Chip & Dale’s Rescue Rangers was an animated series that lasted three seasons from 1989-1990. The ride is named after an inventive mouse from the series named Gadget Hackwrench, an inventor, mechanic, and pilot in the series. The ride and scenery is scaled to look like it is being viewed from Gadget’s point of view. The coaster was installed in 1993 after the series had concluded and was manufactured by Vekoma and Disney’s in house Imagineers. The queue line passes through Gadget’s workshop where everything is made out of brightly colored found items. The train cars are made to look like hollowed out acorns that glides around a course in Gadget’s front yard littered with whimsical scenery.
Once you find your seat in Gadget’s train you will immediately notice that it is small. It is possible for an adult to ride with a small child, but the seats were designed for two children to sit next to each other. As the train is dispatched, it rolls out of Gadget's workshop and enters the yard passing by a fence made of popsicle sticks and golf tees. The train goes up the 27.9 foot tall booster wheel lift giving riders a nice view of Mickey’s Toontown. The train goes over the top and descends in a banked turn to the right. At the bottom the track does a small hop and then zooms past one of Gadget’s inventions as the track climbs up and banks to the left. The train passes through a small tunnel and then around a pond. The track turns again and continues to helix around the pond as frogs spit streams of water over the train where it reaches its maximum speed of 22 MPH. The train enters the brake run and is returned to Gadget’s workshop. |
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