Specific Type: Inverted Coaster
On April 1, 2001, a portal opened that delivered a raging scream machine into the countryside of Italy. Katun, which is a period of 7200 days in the Mayan calendar, was created by the twisted minds at Bolliger and Mabillard. The managing team at Mirabilandia was looking for a new creation to give them a edge in the industry and came up with the idea of a coaster with a very unique theme. The ride starts out with riders passing through a “star gate” into a place where ancient Mayan ruins cover the area. In the middle of these ruins is a steel giant delivering scream after scream. Katun stands at a whopping 164-feet and boasts an impressive track length of 3,937-feet. Riders a sent screaming through six mind boggling inversions while nearly missing Mayan ruins. One thing is for sure, Katun was certainly a great addition to the other four coaster tracks present at Mirabilandia.
Riders enter Katun’s queue line and make their way through time to ancient Mayan Ruins. Once they reach the end of the queue line, they find their seats and secure themselves with the standard over-the-shoulder restraints seen on most Bolliger and Mabillard creations. Once secure and the all clear signal given, the train rolls out of the station and encounter the 164-foot lift hill. As the chain carries riders to the summit, they get a chance to see just how high they really. Before they know it, the train reaches the top and the chain disengages. The train twists sideways then rockets down the first drop. The track levels for a moment and then riders scream though a giant vertical loop. As riders are sent head over heels, the train exits the loop and soars upward and then down a banked turn. The train races along a section of track and then enters the second inversion. Riders are sent hurdling towards a giant black cobra roll that looms in front of them. As the train enters riders see the sky, the ground, and then the sky again. The train exits the maneuver and soars upward through two 90-degree turns. From here a mid course brake block gives riders a quick breather, but not for long. The train plunges out of the MCBR and into a zero-g roll. The dizzy riders are left disoriented and don’t notice that they a heading towards a flat spin. The track twists back and fourth and then the cars are thrust sideways as the train soars around the spin. Once the train exits, it rockets upwards and into the final brakes. The train slows to a stop and rolls into the station to end a great ride. |
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