It is now November, and suddenly I feel low. At this point most regional parks have closed their doors to guests and roller coaster season has come to a close. I know some parks do holiday events, but this is fairly hit and miss. Some parks are partially open running some rides while others are just purely open for the ambiance, but not offering thrills. Even though I was buzzing about the 2019 season in August, right now it seems even further away than ever. If you live in Florida or Southern California I don't want to hear about your never-ending theme park season right now.
As the weather turns cold the planning, scheming, and adding up vacation days begins. I am sure many of us will refuse to call in sick so we have good attendance for when theme parks reopen. It is a tough pill to swallow that I have to wait so long before I head back out, but I want to put together a game plan. Should I be going where the new roller coasters are being installed or should I be looking for new parks? Maybe I should be driving to Kennywood or Canada’s Wonderland. Do you think Lightning Rod will work next year? Nah, probably not. I haven’t been to a few localish places in quite a while, in some cases over a decade, should I revisit? Should I buy too much hair gel and glittery T-shirts and head down the jersey shore? I can’t help it, making a plan even if I don’t follow it later makes me feel like I am getting closer to pulling down that restraint and rolling out of the station. Luckily I can always reflect and then turn to fantasy. Next week the Ride Warrior Choice Awards will be kicking off and I can put my stupid, uniformed, and personal opinions out there just like everyone else. Maybe you all will finally get it right this year and vote El Toro number one. Then opinions turn to prediction for the Thrilling 32, that will keep me excited and looking forward to the conclusion. Even if El Toro loses again, a tragic crime, when the contest ends it will be spring and I will surely be on my way to the next park. Author Jeff Goodman |
June 2023